Monday, July 13, 2009

Make It + Handmade Nation

Of all the ways to Stick It to The Man, makin' your own stuff is my favourite one.

This Saturday the 18th there's the Make It craft show at the TransAlta Arts Barn -- and there's a reason behind this event besides the selling of crafts. Make It celebrates the premiere of Handmade Nation, a documentary about the growing popularity of buying and selling handmade goods (or the Makin' Stuff Movement, as I've just now decided to call it). Here's a blurb I found about the film:

"Faythe Levine traveled 19,000 miles to document what has emerged as a marriage between historical technique, punk culture, and the D.I.Y. ethos...Participants in this community share ideas and encourage ment through websites, blogs, boutiques, galleries, and craft fairs. Together they have forged a new economy and lifestyle based on creativity, determination, and networking."

As for the Make It sale, it's "not your granny's craft show," as a the website puts it. The Make It sale boasts a live band, a wine bar, and trendy/quirky crafts that especially appeal to hipsters and artsy folk. You'll definitely find cool, original stuff here! Show up between 10 and 5, and later at 8 for the movie. Visit their cool-looking website for more info:

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