Exciting times. I have a new website now, in case you arrived at this blog from a different tunnel. It's www.sushipapercraft.com. I'm happy hear any feedback!
Cargoh Store
My stuff is now for sale on Cargoh.com, Etsy's newest competition. It's an online ecommerce system for crafters and craft buyers. In their own words:
"WHAT IS CARGOH? A social marketplace for independent art + design + culture. An easy to use e-commerce solution for independent creatives to buy and sell the things they create."
"WHAT IS CARGOH? A social marketplace for independent art + design + culture. An easy to use e-commerce solution for independent creatives to buy and sell the things they create."

This is a sexy website and no mistake.
My inventory here will be different from Etsy -- no duplicate items. Please stop by!
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